The success of Grand Theft Auto 5 has been both a blessing and a curse. A godsend for Rockstar, who gain hugely from the success of GTA Online, and for those who are deeply involved in that world which is continually receiving new expansions and additions. But a curse on those waiting for GTA 6, as Rockstar is now about to release GTA 5 in three different generations, cementing its massive lead as the best-selling game ever, infinitely delaying a true sequel.
Now though, Rockstar has finally stated the obvious, they are working on the next GTA game, which we all call GTA 6, but Rockstar stops short of saying that number directly.
“With the unprecedented longevity of GTAV, we know that many of you have been asking us about a new entry in the Grand Theft Auto series. With every new project we embark on, our goal is always to go far beyond what we have previously delivered, and we’re pleased to confirm that active development for the next entry in the Grand Theft Auto series is well underway. We look forward to sharing more information as soon as we’re ready, so stay tuned to Rockstar Newswire for official details.”
This is the “catch” I’m talking about here, because I don’t know if we can say for sure if this will be GTA 6 specifically, either the name or the concept. While you’d think the safest game might be to replicate exactly what they did with GTA 5, do a huge single player campaign and a separate online mode, the success of GTA Online itself may end up fundamentally changing the way Rockstar plays. makes this series work forward.

As such, I can envision a “new entry in the Grand Theft Auto series” as a massive game perhaps coming online early on, even for its base campaign. And not to use the “m” word, but there are less compelling metaverses of what GTA Online has become, and Rockstar may want to lean into that even more to try and stay ahead of the competition trying to create their own virtual worlds. As such, I could see a future combining a traditional numbered sequel to GTA and GTA Online, and who knows what it would be called (“GTA World?”, “GTA Infinite?”). I’m just saying it may not be “GTA 6”, exactly.
Rockstar did not give any indication as to when this game will actually be out. Jason Schreier predicts that maybe a “fake” holiday 2023 release date will be announced, but then that slides to 2024, as all great games end up delayed at least a few times in this day and age. . Regardless, GTA 5 will live on as long as it continues to sell, and Rockstar is gearing up for more additions and things like standalone GTA Online as well.
I’m not exactly sure what’s coming next, but I’d be a little surprised if it was just the old GTA 6, structured exactly like 5. After all this time and so much online income, I think things may be changing for new ones. addresses.